The Weather will Remain Stable Today Mostly Sunny in Mountains
The weather will remain stable today. Fog or low layered clouds expected for flat areas, with drizzle in some places. The mountains will be mostly sunny.
There will be light east-northeast wind. Maximum temperatures between 13°C and 18°C, in Sofia about 16°-17°C. Atmospheric pressure is higher than the average for the month and will remain unchanged.
Some Low Clouds or Fog in Eastern Bulgaria and in the Plains, Sunny in the Rest of the Country
Today in East Bulgaria and the plains there will be low clouds or fog, temporary visibility improvements will be in the afternoon. Above the rest of the country it will be mostly sunny. It will blow mild eastern wind . Maximum temperatures will be between 17 ° and 22 °.
Cloudy and Foggy with Light Rain in some Areas of Bulgaria Today
Cloudy skies over the country today, fog in the plains and valleys. Light rain is expected in some places. Visibility will improve for some time in the afternoon. There will be light to moderate wind from east-northeast.
Maximum Temperatures in Bulgaria Today between 20° and 25°C
Today there will be low clouds or fog along the river valleys, in the lowlands and in Eastern Bulgaria. In the afternoon, the visibility will improve for some time and the clouds will break. Over Western and Central Bulgaria, there will be considerable high cloudiness during most of the day. Light to moderate wind from east-northeast.
Mostly Sunny Today in Bulgaria with Highs between 23° and 28°C
Today it will be mostly sunny with broken clouds over Western Bulgaria according to Krasimir Stoev from National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, reports Focus News Agency.
Cloudy Weather Today in Bulgria, Rain in Some Places, Highs between 19°C and 24°C
The atmospheric pressure is higher than the average for October and it will remain almost unchanged. In the morning there will be fog or low clouds in the lowlands and around water basins. During the day the cloud will increase from the east and will be often considerable in the afternoon. Rain likely in some places in the southeast part of the country.
Mostly Sunny Today Across Bulgaria, Highs Between 20°C and 25°C
Sofia. It will be mostly sunny today. In the morning, fog or low clouds expected in the lowlands and around water basins, but by midday the clouds will break. There will be light northeast wind, increasing to moderate in Eastern Bulgaria. Maximum temperatures will range between 20°C and 25°C, for Sofia - about 20°C.
Sunny Weather in Bulgaria, Maximum Temperatures between 19° and 24°C
Sofia. Today it will be sunny. In the morning, there will be low clouds or fog in some places in the lowlands and valleys. Light to moderate northeastern wind. Maximum temperatures are expected to reach 19°C to 24°C, said meteorologist Boryana Markova, National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology.
Focus News Agency
Mostly Sunny Today with Highs between 18° and 23°C
Sofia. Today it will be mostly sunny over Northern Bulgaria. Variable cloudiness over Southern Bulgaria, more considerable over the Rila-Rhodope region, where meteorologists expect light rain. In the morning, short fog or low clouds will appear in some areas in the lowlands and near the water basins.
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Warmer Weather this Afternoon in Bulgaria with Highs between 20° and 25°C
Sofia. There will still be considerable clouds over Eastern Bulgaria in the morning, with rainfall in some areas by noon.