Sunny Today, Temperatures Between 22C and 27C
t will be mostly sunny and calm today. In the morning, fog or low layered clouds expected in places in lowlands, valleys and around the water bodies.
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Mostly Sunny Today with Temperatures Between 21C and 26C
It will be mostly sunny today. In the morning, low clouds and fog in places in eastern Bulgaria and along the Danube are expected. It will remain calm. The prevailing maximum temperatures will reach 21C to 26C. Atmospheric pressure will be close to the monthly average.
Warm Weather Today, Temperatures of 22C to 27C
It will be warm today with maximum temperatures between 22C and 27C, in Sofia - about 25C, meteorologist Hristo Hristov of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) told Focus News Agency.
It will be sunny again and calm. Low clouds or fog expected in many places in eastern Bulgaria before noon.
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Mostly Sunny Today, with Temperatures From 23C to 28C
Today, the weather in Bulgaria will remain mostly sunny. In the morning, in valleys and lowlands, and until noon also in eastern Bulgaria, fog or low layered clouds expected.
A light wind will blow from the east-southeast. Maximum temperatures in most areas will reach 23C to 28C, in Sofia - about 26C. Atmospheric pressure will drop slightly and be close to the October average.
Mostly Sunny Today, with Temperatures From 18C to 23C
It will be mostly sunny today, meteorologist Krasimir Stoev of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) told Focus News Agency.
Europe is Threatened by Temperature Records
In France, Germany, Hungary, Spain, Belgium and Switzerland a very hot weather is expected this week. It is possible temperature records to be recorded. The highest reported temperature in France for June was 41.5 degrees - in 2003.
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It Will be Mostly Sunny Today, in the Afternoon, Thunder Clouds Will Form Again Bringing Showers
It will be mostly sunny today. Before noon fog will form in places in lowlands and valleys. Around noon and in the afternoon, thunder clouds will form again, bringing rain showers and thunder to some places in western and central Bulgaria.
10 People Remain in Hospital after the Serious Crash on Struma Motorway
The section of Struma motorway, where the serious multi-car crash occurred, was opened to traffic late last night 5th of February, reports BNT.
Maximum Temperatures between 10° and 15°, Little Lower in North Bulgaria, in Sofia 10-11°C
Today over South Bulgaria the clouds will first break and decrease to sunshine but will again increase in the evening, from south. In the Danube Plain, the cover of low cloud or fog will remain through the day and in some places it will lightly rain. Light wind will blow from northeast, moderate in the eastern regions.
Dozens of vehicles involved in massive fog pile-ups in Turkey
Dozens of vehicles were involved in pile-ups throughout Turkey on Jan. 8 amid freezing temperatures and intense fog. Click through for the story in photos...