
Mad honey victim bear named ‘Balkız,’ released to nature

A bear, who sensationalized social media for a video showing her passing out from eating too much mad honey, has been named "Balkız," (Honey Girl) by the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry and released to nature.

"The name of our teddy bear is 'Balkız.' Let her live by the name," the ministry tweeted on Aug. 13.

More than 200 Bee Families Have Been Destroyed by the Spraying with Preparations in Varna

According to unofficial data from the association of beekeepers in Varna region, more than 200 bee families have been poisoned from the uncontrolled spraying with plant protection products.

Beekeepers are extremely concerned that they do not understand the large tenants who claim to have used selective varieties of plants that are self-pollinated and do not need bees.

Beekeepers: The European Market May Close Door for Bulgarian Honey

There is a real risk that 45,000 tons of honey from South America would enter the European market through duty-free imports, the Association of Producers of Organic Bee Products warn. This could happen due to a trade agreement between the EU and MERCOSUR (Southern Common Market), BNR reported.
