Informal sector

Half a Million Bulgarians Engaged in Undeclared Work

Every year, the gray economy in Bulgaria generates about 30 billion BGn, accounting for 30% of the total economy. The share of Bulgarians who work undeclared work is 16% or 500,000 people. The data are from the World Bank and the International Labour Organisation and were announced by the President of CITUB trade union, Plamen Dimitrov.

'Shadow' Economy Thriving in Balkans, Study Shows

A lack of trust in institutions and unfair taxation systems in Southeast Europe have contributed to the widespread problem of the "shadow" economy and undeclared work, a recent survey by the Sofia-Based Center for the Study of Democracy, CSD, for the Southeast Europe Leadership for Development and Integrity, SELDI, has concluded.

Tax Evasion Arrests Strike Fear Into Albanians

Albanian police on Thursday said they had arrested two hairdressers for working in a side-street shop in Tirana that was not registered with the tax authorities.

According to police, Taulant Hasanaj, 29, was arrested for resisting a tax inspector while Indrit Lluka, 33, was arrested for "conducting an economic activity... unregistered in the tax office."
