
Hostage crisis in Germany: The building was cordoned off by the police PHOTO

Authorities responded to a hostage situation allegedly taking place at a pharmacy in a city in southwestern Germany.
The police announced on Twitter that due to the currently unclear risk situation, the area has been secured and that more information is expected.

Families of Wartime Disappeared Urge Bosnian Prosecutors to Act

Relatives of 46 people from the Hadzici municipality who went missing in June 1992 and whose bodies have yet to be found held a rally outside the state prosecutor's office in Sarajevo on Monday, holding pictures of their loved ones and a banner with the names of the disappeared.

US religious group says 17 missionaries kidnapped in Haiti

A group of 17 U.S. missionaries including children was kidnapped by a gang in Haiti on Oct. 16, according to a voice message sent to various religious missions by an organization with direct knowledge of the incident.

The missionaries were on their way home from building an orphanage, according to a message from Ohio-based Christian Aid Ministries.
