Kidney transplantation

Transplants bridge built with Cyprus

In a move which would help Greece and Cyprus catch up with Europe in the field of transplants, the two countries signed two cooperation agreements on Thursday for the exchange of kidneys and lungs.

Only kidney transplants are performed in Cyprus, while in Greece, 8.45 deceased donors were recorded last year per million population. The average in Europe is 18.05 donors per million.

Bulgarian Double Transplant Recipient Conquers Mount Kilimanjaro’s Peak

A Bulgarian with two heart and kidney transplants conquered the highest peak in Africa - Uhuru (5895 meters) in Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Georgi Peev from Haskovo announced his success, which was achieved this morning at 6:36 a.m. Bulgarian time, on his Facebook page.

More than 1,000 Bulgarians are Waiting for a Transplant

Tomorrow, October 9, we celebrate the European Day of Organ Donation and Transplantation.

This year, the motto of the European Day of Organ Donation and Transplantation is "Just say yes!". Let people know that you support donation! ", With the aim of getting more citizens informed about the meaning and significance of donation and transplantation.

Swine Organs Will Replace Human Ones in a few Years

Modified pig hearts can be transplanted in only a few years, says the surgeon who performed the first successful transplant 40 years ago in the UK.

Speaking on the 40th anniversary of his revolutionary surgery, Sir Terence English said that his former assistant from 1979 would try to replace a human kidney with a swine one later this year.

Bulgaria's contract with "Eurotransplant" ended

The Treaty of Bulgaria with "Eurotransplant" was canceled but will be extended to 2-3 weeks. This was announced by the Executive Director of the Transplantation Agency Mariana Stoyanova and just a day earlier the Health Ministry announced that "Bulgaria has a contract with Eurotransplant, it is not interrupted and Bulgaria continues to be a member of the organization".
