Medicinal chemistry

EOΠYY(NHS) fraud network: Prosecution for eight felonies and two misdemeanors against the arrested individuals

The Athens Public Prosecutor’s Office has pressed serious criminal charges, including eight felonies and two misdemeanors, against those arrested for the fraud scheme against the Greek National Organization for Healthcare Services (EOPYY).

“Put the vouchers in black bags and throw them away”: The conversations between doctors and pharmacists who defrauded EOPYY

The dialogues captured during the investigation by the Economic Police, which halted the group’s activities, shed light on the criminal practices of organizations made up of doctors and pharmacists who defrauded EOPYY through fictitious prescriptions.

Arrests for fraudulent prescriptions at the expense of EOPYY – Doctors & pharmacists arrested, €3.5 million in damages

Two criminal organizations involved in serious fraud against EOPYY were dismantled through fraudulent prescription of pharmaceutical products. The total damage to the organization exceeds €3,500,000.

Notably, among the falsely prescribed medications were narcotics and other psychotropic substances, some of which are in shortage both in Greece and internationally.

Bulgaria's Ministry of Finance: 56 Heart Disease Medicines to Be Free Starting April

The Ministry of Finance has disclosed its affirmative stance on allocating resources for covering the entire cost of 56 drugs targeting cardiovascular diseases, such as those addressing hypertension, arrhythmia, and other frequently occurring chronic ailments. The co-payment will be lowered for more than 300 medications.

Bulgaria’s Ministry of Health provided nearly 30,000 Packages of Medicine for Diabetics

27,650 packs of Ozempic are provided for Bulgarian patients. This quantity of the medicinal product will be available in the country at the beginning of next week - on March 21. This was announced today by the Minister of Health, Dr. Asen Medzhidiev.

Pharmacists to hold work stoppage on Wed

Pharmacists in Attica have announced a four-hour work stop on Wednesday in support of the strike called in the aftermath of the Tempe railway disaster.

Pharmacies will close from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., the Attica Pharmaceutical Association said.

Their counterparts in Thessaloniki said they would strike from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
