Medicinal chemistry

No more free medicine to Syrian refugees without new protocol: Association

The general secretary of the Turkish Pharmacists' Association (TEB) has said pharmacies across the country will stop providing Syrian refugees with free medication unless concrete steps are taken to institute a new protocol, as pharmacies have not been paid for six months.

Pharmacies in Athens to close on Wednesday due to strike

Pharmacies in Athens will be closed on Wednesday in protest at the government?s plans to allow non-prescription drugs to be sold in other stores.

The measure was included in the proposals sent by the current coalition to is lenders last week. The previous government had also been poised to adopt the reform but met with resistance from pharmacists.

Police in Agrinio collar pharmacy robbers

Police in Agrinio, western Greece, have arrested two suspects, aged 33 and 32, for stealing more than 1,700 pills after breaking into a pharmacy.

The two suspects also stole 50 euros from the cashier, police said.

During a search at the house of the 33-year-old, police found 808 tablets, a number of which had been taken from the store on Tuesday.
