Member state of the European Union

Juncker Said that Some EU Countries Still Do Not Agree with the Negotiation Talks with Skopje

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker announced that some EU countries still oppose the possibility of starting negotiations on the accession of northern Macedonia to the Community. He made this statement at a joint press conference with Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev.

EU criticizes human rights in Turkey, 'backsliding' on laws

The European Union says Turkey continues to distance itself from the bloc and its values and says sees no reason to unblock the country's EU membership talks.
In a progress report on Turkey's membership prospects released Wednesday, the EUs executive commission criticizes "serious backsliding in the areas of the rule of law and fundamental rights."

EU Election Results Only Worsen Balkans’ Bleak Perspectives

Meanwhile, the election results will change little in terms of the EU bleak perspective of Western Balkan aspirant members.

Oddly, this is not only because of the rise of populism and Euroscepticism. It has more to do with the attitude of the traditional European conservatives, liberals and their partners on the left.

The EC Will Recommend Opening Negotiations with Northern Macedonia and Albania

The European Commission (EC) will recommend opening accession talks for full membership of northern Macedonia and Albania by the end of May, reiterated EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn, who until now has only expressed confidence that this will happen.

EU Justice Commissioner: The Independence of the Judiciary in Bulgaria is Under Threat

The independence of the judiciary is under threat in EU member states from Eastern Europe such as Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Romania, European Justice Commissioner Vera Yourova said, quoted by Associated Press.
She warned that this trend could undermine the credibility of the states of the Union.
