Member state of the European Union's Tariceanu: We must support convergence and strengthen cohesion at the level of the entire EU

President of the Senate Calin Popescu-Tariceanu pleaded for the defence and strengthening of cohesion at the level of the entire European Union, and underscored the European Parliament's (EP) role in the cooperation at the level of the EU and its institutions. Regardless of scenario of Brexit negotiations, citizens must remain the priority

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Thursday said that, regardless of the scenario in which the negotiations on Brexit with the UK take place, the EU's priority must remain the protection of the rights of the European citizens who live, work or study in the UK.

"Croatia not obstacle on Serbia's EU road - it's 2 others"

According to Croatian newspaper Jutarnji List, this is what the Brussels-based website is reporting.

The daily's text, signed by Augustin Palokaj, says that "essentially the biggest 'enemies' of Serbia on the road to EU membership are actually Germany and France, that do not want to give up rules that each EU member state has the right of veto on enlargement."

Europe fears "China's Trojan horses in Balkans"

The EU official in charge of neighborhood policy and enlargement negotiations "warned that Beijing could turn countries in the region into Trojan horses that would one day be European Union members," the website Politico is reporting.

Hahn told Politico that "China's combination of capitalism and a political dictatorship" could appeal to some leaders in the region.

PM Borisov Informed the Representatives of EU Countries about his Latest Visits

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has informed EU diplomats about the talks he made during his recent visits abroad, the press service of the cabinet said.

Borisov had a meeting with the Permanent Representatives of the governments of the EU member states, where he said that:
