Member state of the European Union

Turkey threatens migrant deal with EU

Turkey's agreement with the European Union to curb human trafficking across the Aegean appears to be in jeopardy again after a top Turkish official warned that a current impasse with the EU gives Ankara no reason to honor the deal. 

A collapse of the deal would put more pressure on Greek islands where thousands of migrants are cooped up in overcrowded reception centers. 

Bulgaria assumes EU presidency

Bulgaria has taken over from Estonia the rotating six-month presidency of the European Union.

The European perspective of the Western Balkans is one of the priorities of the presidency of this country, which became an EU member ten years ago, Beta reported on Monday.

Turkish EU Minister:Turkey-EU Relations a 'Win-Win'

Turkish EU Minister Omer Celik said on Monday that Turkey's relation with EU was not "a relation of neediness but a win-win relation", Anadolu Agency reported.

Speaking to lawmakers during a 2018 budget debate, Celik said that there was a consensus in parliament for Turkey's EU membership. "This is pleasing for the country's interests," he said.

Serbia to Open New Chapters in EU Negotiations

At an intergovernmental conference in Brussels on Monday, Serbia will open talks on Chapters 6 and 30 of the EU acquis - the body of legal rights and obligations that all EU member states must observe.

The two chapters that will be negotiated between Brussels and Belgrade concern company law and external economic relations.
