Municipalities of Bulgaria

Weather in Bulgaria: Orange Code for Dangerous Weather in 15 Regions, Yellow - in 6

A code orange for dangerous weather with heavy rainfall is in effect today for 15 areas of Bulgaria. This shows a reference on the website of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology.

These are Vidin, Montana, Vratsa, Veliko Tarnovo, Gabrovo, Lovech, Sofia region, Sofia city, Pernik, Kyustendil, Blagoevgrad, Smolyan, Pazardzhik, Plovdiv and Stara Zagora.

In 2022: Unemployment increased in two-thirds of the Regions in Bulgaria

In two-thirds of the regions in Bulgaria, unemployment increased last year, according to the annual report of the Employment Agency.

Vidin region had the highest reported rate of unemployed last year - 14.1 percent compared to 12.3 a year earlier. Montana, Vratsa, Silistra also have over 10% unemployed.

After Heavy Rains: Petrohan Pass Closed, Danger of Collapse of the Road Smolyan – Devin

The Petrohan Pass is closed due to fallen stones on the road. The traffic on the road Sofia - Montana in the section Barzia - Gintsi, at km 59 is temporarily limited due to the fallen rock mass and flooded road section. The traffic is regulated by the Traffic Police, only vehicles moving to Montana are allowed, and traffic to Sofia is diverted.

Sirens Today - We Celebrate Botev’s Day and Those who Died for the Freedom of Bulgaria

The day of Botev and those who died for the freedom of Bulgaria will be celebrated in the military units of the country with honors.

At exactly 12.00 p.m., for 2 minutes, sirens across the country will sound with an intermittent signal.

COVID-19 in Bulgaria: Local Measures are being Introduced

Due to the growth of covid patients in Sredets and Sungurlare, partial closure has been introduced.

Social centers, pensioners' clubs, and kindergartens are closing their doors. In Sungurlare, they are also facing a health crisis - there are no doctors to treat the sick, and the number of patients has doubled.
