November 2015 Paris attacks

Paris Attacks: Third Body Found at Flat Raided by Police in Saint-Denis

A third body was found at the apartment in the Parisian suburb of Saint-Denis, which police raided on Wednesday in response to last week's attacks in the French capital.

Police confirmed that the body of a woman was recovered overnight, but authorities did not disclose her identity, the BBC informs.

The life and times of the female suicide bomber of Saint Denis (vid)

Hasna Ait Boulahcen, aged 26, detonated her explosive vest at Saint Denis on Wednesday, going down in history as the first female suicide terrorist operating in Europe. A video, obtained by the ABC, appears to have been shot from the building across the street where the explosion took place.

Suspected Mastermind of Paris Attacks Killed, French Prosecutors Confirm

Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the suspected ringleader of last week's Paris terrorist attacks, has been killed.

According to the French prosecutor's office, Abaaoud was killed during Wednesday's pre-dawn raid on a flat in Paris suburb of Saint-Denis, NBC reported on Thursday.

Mastermind of Paris attacks dead, prosecutor says

The suspected mastermind of the Paris attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, has been identified among the dead of Saint Denis raid, as French public prosecutor announced on Thursday.

A day after a raid conducted by French police forces , authorities announced that one of the terrorists killed is Abdelhamid Abaaoud . His body was found in the building in northern Paris.
