
Hornets kill councilor from western Serbian town

According to media reports, Vladan Markovic was attacked by a swarm of hornets in a field in the village of Zlodol, located between the towns of Bajina Basta and Uzice.

The daily Blic said it learned unofficially that Markovic had left a raspberry orchard and was headed back home in Zlodol when he spotted a piglet on the road, that came from a neighbor's yard.

No more memorials to "conquerors, war criminals, terrorists"

From now on, the state, rather than individuals will be deciding on who to honor with monuments, the daily Vecernje Novosti writes.

Among the memorials that will most likely be removed is a plaque in Novi Pazar dedicated to Acif Efendija, and a memorial to the so-called Liberation Army of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedje installed in the town of Presevo.

Serbia wants to buy Mi-35 helicopters from Belarus - paper

BELGRADE - Serbia is interested in purchasing at least six Russian-made Mi-35 anti-armour helicopters, Belgrade's Vecernje novosti daily reports.

The potential seller is Belarus, the paper said, adding that any deal would have to be approved by Russia as the country of manufacture.

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