Organ theft in Kosovo

EULEX: Investigation into corruption allegations

EULEX: Investigation into corruption allegations

PRIŠTINA -- The investigation into media claims of involvement of some EULEX officials in corruption "is under way," the EU mission in Kosovo, EULEX, said on Wednesday.

The EU has agreed to suspend one person's immunity in order to continue the probe, a statement said.

Brammertz to meet with Vucic, Vukcevic on Tuesday

BELGRADE - Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) Serge Brammertz continues his visit to Belgrade with a meeting with Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, with whom he will discuss the cooperation between ICTY and Serbia, the Serbian government said in a release.

Interpol warrant for 95 people

BELGRADE - Seputy Prosecutor for War Crimes Dragoljub Stankovic said on Wednesday that the investigation concerning 14 cases against members of the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) suspected of committing war crimes had been completed, and that Interpol arrest warrants had been issued on 95 people, but that the authorities in Pristina were doing nothing regarding their extradition.

Corruption in sale of Serb property

BELGRADE - A special task force, formed as part of the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo-Metohija (KiM), has been investigating for 14 months now the corruption allegations concerning the EULEX top tier, reads the Belgrade-based daily Blic on Monday.

According to the daily, one of the contentious cases is related to the sale of the Serb property in KiM.

Allegations of corruption shake EU mission in Kosovo

Allegations of corruption shake EU mission in Kosovo

BELGRADE, BRUSSELS -- Instead of introducing legal standards of their countries to Kosovo, international prosecutors and judges serving there "have adopted local ways."

According to the Belgrade-based Politika daily, "the falsification of evidence against Oliver Ivanović" is one proof of this.

Association calls for truth about Albanian, Serb victims

BELGRADE - The Association of Families of the Kidnapped and Murdered in Kosovo-Metohija from 1998 to 2000 has welcomed the request of the War Crime Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade to investigate another location in Batajnica, Belgrade suburban area, which could be a mass grave of ethnic Albanians killed in the 1999 conflicts in Kosovo-Metohija.
