
Macedonia Allows Police to Use Rubber Bullets

With the support of 59 of the 122 deputies in parliament, Macedonia on Monday adopted changes to the Police Law allowing police to use rubber bullets to disperse violent crowds.

The police will now be allowed to use rubber bullets, stun guns and shock grenades if protesters who "violate the public order do not disperse on the call of the police".

Giving the police a blank check

President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an is in a hurry and wants it passed and implemented as soon as possible. Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu insists everything is in order and according to EU criteria. But it looks like the angry debate on the new Internal Security Law the government has drafted and submitted to parliament will not subside any time soon.

Court approves law for return of Greece's municipal police force

The Council of State, Greece?s highest administrative court, on Tuesday approved the government?s plan to re-establish the municipal police within the national force.

The municipal police was disbanded in the summer of 2013 as part of the government?s drive to meet the public sector mobility scheme targets.
