Real property law

Land registry moving slow

As of Monday, property owners will be able to access the land registry to view information that was accumulated before 2008, it was announced Friday.

Until now, owners could only see information that had been collected since 2008 even though 333 areas had been registered before then.

Nevertheless, the process of completing Greece’s much-delayed cadaster is proving a slow one.

Cyprus ruling opens way for bailout funds

The Supreme Court of Cyprus on Friday ruled as unconstitutional four bills on bank foreclosures whose passage by Parliament prompted international lenders to halt payments on the country’s 10-billion-euro bailout.

The decision should open the way for Nicosia to receive the next tranche of 436 million euros, which was blocked last month.

Cyprus court ruling opens way for bailout funds

The Cypriot supreme court ruled as unconstitutional Friday four bills on bank foreclosures whose passage by parliament prompted international lenders to halt payments on the country’s 10-billion-euro ($12.7-billion) bailout.

The decision should open the way for Nicosia to receive the next tranche of 436 million euros, which was blocked last month.
