Romanian literature

Academician Theodorescu on Greater Union: It was the masterpiece of political thinking called January 1859

Historians from all over Romania and abroad attended on Wednesday a symposium called "The Greater Union - the culmination of a millenary history," organised by the National Defence College Foundation and the National Defence College at the Central University Library in Bucharest, an event that is part of the series of events dedicated to the Centennial of the December 1, 1918 Greater Union.

Summer Holiday with Excelsior in Bucharest: drama, dance and music each weekend throughout Aug. 30

The Excelsior Theatre House of Bucharest is inviting Bucharesters, May 29 - August 30, to a summer holiday with it, a project that provides outdoor stage plays, dance and music shows as well as film screenings, the theatre reports in a press release.

Romania ranks 5th at Robotics European Championship

The three teams of students and professors with the Faculty of Engineering of the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (ULBS) have ranked fifth, the best result of Romania in the history of participations in the Robotics European Championship - EUROBOT Robomovies 2015, which took place over May 21 - 24 in Yverdon-les-Bains (Switzerland), according to a release sent AGERPRES on Tuesday.

European poets, musicians to convene in Bucharest, Wed. through Sun.

Poets, musicians and representatives of some of Europe's most prestigious poetry houses will convene Wednesday through Sunday in Bucharest for the Bucharest International Poetry Fair, the National Trade Fair of Poetry Books and the Poetry and Jazz Marathon, organised by the National Museum of Romanian Literature.

Photo credit: (c) Grigore POPESCU / AGERPRES ARCHIVE

President Iohannis: The most appropriate tribute to Eminescu would be to read a line of his work

President Klaus Iohannis says in a Facebook post that the most appropriate tribute to the national poet Mihai Eminescu on the latter's 165 years of birth anniversary would be for us to read a line of the great Romanian's poetry, prose or newspaper articles.

