
AI recruited in effort to prevent forest fires

Artificial intelligence is being deployed in the battle for the prevention and management of forest fires through innovative programs developed and coordinated by the National Observatory of Athens (NOA).

More specifically, forest fire risk is being assessed through the Deep Cube and SeasFire programs, which started in January 2021 and March 2022 respectively.

The newly built first military spy satellite has been launched

Construction of the satellite was completed this month, and Kim Jong Un ordered the launch to go ahead as planned during a visit to the North Korean space agency.
Details of the launch date have not been announced.
In his address to the space agency officials, Kim Jong-un spoke about the deployment of "several reconnaissance satellites in different orbits."

Türkiye launches observation satellite İMECE

Türkiye launched its first domestically produced observation satellite İMECE at Vandenberg space force base in the United States on April 15.

The satellite was designed and developed by the Space Technologies Research Institute of Türkiye's Scientific and Technological Research Council and was produced in Türkiye to provide high-resolution imagery.

Türkiye launches 1st indigenous observation satellite IMECE

Türkiye has launched its first indigenous, high-resolution earth observation satellite IMECE at Vendenberg Space Force Base in US on April 15. 

The new satellite is an important step to meet the needs of Türkiye's military and civilian sectors for high-resolution images from indigenous technology.
