
SpaceX's Secret Satellite Crashed Before Reaching Orbit

The secret government-owned Zuma satellite launched on Sunday by Space X did not reach the expected orbit and collapsed falling into the ocean, according to Reuters, reported on Monday. According to them, the classified satellite has not been able to detach from the second stage of Falcon 9 and as a result has broken or sunk deep into the sea.

China will Build a Reusable Space Shuttle

In line with its space program, the Chinese space agency plans to build a reuseable missile, super-heavy rocket and space shuttle over the next 20 years.

The first goal is Next Generation Chanchion to be launched by 2020. Its purpose is to use it as a cheap light rocket to extract relatively small satellites in low-Earth orbit.

Spacecraft Cemetery: The oceanic dumping ground where spaceships go to die (VIDEOS-PHOTOS)

As ships, stations, and other satellites come crashing down to Earth, many end up making planet-fall at the same spot in the Pacific Ocean just south of New Zealand. For years these downed science vessels have simply sunk down to the bottom of the sea in a place now known as the Spacecraft Cemetery.

Two New Satellites in the Orbit

The European Vega missile was successfully brought into the orbit observation satellite Opps-3000 for the needs of the Italian Ministry of Defense, reports BNT. 

The rocket launched on Tuesday from the Kuru spaceport in French Guiana. Besides the Italian apparatus, Vega should also bring Venus to a joint research project between Israel and France.

Hellas Sat 3 launched into orbit

The Greek and Cypriot telecommunications satellite Hellas Sat 3 was launched into orbit late Wednesday night from French Guiana. Digital Policy Minister Nikos Pappas said that, with the launch, Greece is "turning a page" with regard to its policy to make the most of space and space applications.
