
Bulgarian Vice President Calls for Increase of Chinese investments & tourists

Bulgaria's Vice-President Iliyana Yotova on Wednesday called for increase of Chinese investments and tourists in Bulgaria, and greater presence of strategic partners from China in key infrastructure projects and transport corridors in her country.

Yotova made the remarks while addressing here a reception marking the 68th anniversary of the founding of People's Republic of China.

Strong Public Support for Beach Checks

Checks on compliance with beach rules have strong public support. 81% of Bulgarian citizens approve inspections, while only 15% are against. According to data from Gallup International's express poll,  conducted among 800 adult Bulgarians through a panel methodology that allows national representation of the data, the agency said.

Bulgarian PM: 'Valeri Simeonov Acts Within What the Law Says'

''There have been complaints about two clubs - 10 for the first and 20 for the other. The law does not allow noise after 23.00'', Prime Minister Boyko Borisov told journalist, regarding the protests in Sunny Beach resort, reported bTV.

People and restaurant owners protested after the checks by Deputy Prime Minister Valeri Simeonov for high levels of noise in local night spots.

Owners of restaurants in Sunny Beach Will Protest

The owners and staff of the resorts in Sunny Beach are going on protest. The reason is the noisy checks for violations in the resort at the weekend with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister Valeri Simeonov, reported bTV. 

According to the industry, this is a bad signal for tourists, it will lead to a tide of customers and will fail their business.
