
Janet Jackson is expecting her first child at nearly 50

Famous singer Janet Jackson is reportedly pregnant with her first child, according to Entertainment Tonight.

Jackson, who turns 50 on May 16th, delayed her tour after she revealed she had been ordered to rest by her doctors, sparking rumours she was pregnant.

In a video message to her fans she said: “Hey you guys, on August 31 I launched the ‘Unbreakable world tour.

Musician Atilla Özdemiro?lu dies at 73

Veteran Turkish musician and composer Atilla Özdemiro?lu died on April 20 at the age of 73 in an Istanbul hospital where he had been receiving lung cancer treatment.

In a career spanning five decades, Özdemiro?lu worked with a number of Turkish groups and singers. He is best known for his award winning film scores in the 1970s and 1980s. 

Mariza in Istanbul

Some 14 years ago, a young singer released her debut album. Few would have ventured the journey she was then beginning would take her so far away from home for so long. Not even after that record, 2001's "Fado em Mim," became a runaway success.

?zmir flaunts March 8 'none of your business' campaign before Davuto?lu's visit

Kar??yaka Municipality's March 8 posters, which cap sentences by AKP members with the slogan "none of your business," coincide with Davuto?lu's first post-election visit to ?zmirThe sentence needs to be delivered with one hand firmly on your belly, with the elbow provocatively jutted out, as if it could be used to deliver a blow to the chest of your opponent.

Pantelidis’ younger brother plays the guitar and sings his brother’s hit (vid)

It’s been almost 15 days since famous Greek singer Pantelis Pantelidis died in a car accident and the pain is still fresh for his family members, who are struggling to recover and continue with their life.

The younger brother of Pantelidis, Nino, met yesterday with the friends of the singer and honoring his memory, he took his guitar and played one of the best hit of his brother.
