United Nations Security Council Resolution

Nikolic: We need new annex to Brussels agreement

BELGRADE - Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic has said that Pristina’s announcement about forming a Kosovo army calls for a new annex to the Brussels agreement.

Appearing on a Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) talk show late on Tuesday, Nikolic said that it has been four months since he brought the issue of the so-called Kosovo Armed Forces before EU officials.

Serbian gov’t to bring “Kosovo armed forces” issue to UN

BELGRADE - The Serbian government said at a meeting it held late on Friday that the intention of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Kosovo to form “Kosovo armed forces” is destabilizing the situation in Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) and announced bringing the this issue to the United Nations (UN).

Serbian gov't calls for urgent UN Security Council session

BELGRADE - The Serbian government will call for a UN Security Council session over the announcement of formation of the armed forces of Kosovo and deterioration of the security and political situation in Kosovo-Metohija, Aleksandar Vulin, Serbian minister without portfolio in charge of Kosovo-Metohija, said on Thursday.
