Urban planning

New tools, old habits

The citizens' response to the new app that allows them to report zoning and environmental violations on beaches shows us how useful this kind of service can be.

Such tools cultivate the belief that the public is being heard when it cries out for mechanisms to protect the environment and uphold the law.

The injuries of tourism

For the past five years, government officials have exhausted their active interest in tourism with triumphant proclamations about successive new arrival records. As they crowed, the problems from unfettered construction, the mass invasion of cruise visitors, the shortage of water and other resources, inadequate waste management and weak energy networks just grew and grew.

Over 1,000 complaints for zoning violations on beaches filed within five days

Authorities received over 1,000 citizens' complaints about zoning violations on beaches within five days, it was reported on Monday.

The complaints were filed by citizens through telephone and the MyCoast app.

Authorities conducted inspections of 14 beaches across the country that received most of the complaints and found multiple violations, resulting in fines.

Sofia's Low-Emission Zone Discontinued: What a Waste

Today marks the end of an "era" for Sofia's low-emission zone, which ceases to operate after being introduced on December 1 last year. The zone, encompassing the central area of the city known as the "small ring," covered key thoroughfares such as "Vasil Levski" and "Patriarch Evtimii" boulevards, along with streets like "Gen. Skobelev," "Oplchenska," and "Slivnitsa" boulevard.

NGOs slam construction outside zoning areas

Thirteen of Greece's environmental NGOs are calling for the withdrawal of the proposed legislation for construction outside town zoning areas, presented earlier in the month by the Environment Ministry.

In a statement, the NGOs argue the proposed regulations will lead to uncontrolled construction in rural areas, with long-term consequences - not least for the environment. 
