
What Is Bulgaria's Voting System Referendum About?

Bulgaria will hold on Sunday a national referendum on the voting system, election rules, and state subsidies handed out to political parties.

The national poll will coincide with the presidential elections, whose first and second round are scheduled for November 06 and November 13, respectively.

Here is all you need to know in brief.

Alpha Research: Bulgaria's Referendum To Yield 3 YES Answers, If Declared Valid

Two weeks before the end of the pre-election campaign, every second person interviewed (51%) has stated that they are not familiar with a single campaign act of the candidates for head of state, showed a nationally representative survey of Alfa Research.

"I Do Not Support Anyone" Votes To Be Valid in Presidential Elections Outcome

The "I do not support anyone" votes will be counted when determining the outcome of the presidential elections. Deputies in the legal commission took this decision without any debates with 10 votes "for" and 6 abstentions.

It is expected that amendments to the Electoral Code will be approved in Parliament at second reading on Wednesday.

Media Packages Of Up To BGN 40,000 To Cover Campaigns On National TVs, Radios Only

Initiative committees, parties and coalitions which do not receive a state subsidy and, by law, have the right to media packages of up to BGN 40,000 for "for" and "against" campaigns for the presidential elections and the referendum on November 6 can cover their participation in national TV stations and radios only.
