
ND leadership countdown: voting centers have opened

The voting centers for the conservative main opposition New Democracy (ND) party opened at 7 a.m. on Sunday and will close at 7 p.m. before election results are announced after 11 p.m. The electoral process for the selection of a new leader is as it was on Sunday, November 22, when technical problems postponed the procedure.

New Democracy leadership elections postponed

The Central Election Committee of New Democracy decided unanimously to postpone the elections for the new leader of New Democracy.

The decision was taken due to the technical problems encountered which could not be solved today. The online system for registering the voters did not work in any of the 833 polling stations.

Why I support start-ups

Last week I wrote about the security of the voting and vote counting processes in Turkey. Now that the voting is over and the Vote and Beyond platform verified the results, I can talk about a very nice initiative that I had to skip last week. 

Voter Turnout in Bulgaria's 2015 Local Elections Is Third Highest Since 2009

The voter turnout at the local elections, which took place in Bulgaria on Sunday, is the third highest among all elections held in the country since 2009.

The voter turnout has also registered a slight increase compared to the last local elections in 2011.

SEÇS?S security is debatable

I have been a volunteer for Oy ve Ötesi (Vote and Beyond) Platform for the last four elections. I will be at the ballot box for the fifth time this Sunday. As a technology journalist, I had the opportunity to examine where fraud can be committed in Turkey's election system very closely. 

Bulgarians Abroad Overwhelmingly Vote "Yes" in E-Voting Referendum

Bulgarians living abroad overwhelmingly voted "yes" in the referendum on the introduction of remote electronic voting, which was held simultaneously with the local elections on Sunday.

With 98.3 % of the ballots processed, the figures show that 92.06 % of the votes were in favour of the introduction of remote electronic voting, while only 7.94 % were against.

Bulgaria ?-Voting Referendum: 73% Said 'Yes' - Partial Count

Electoral officials in Bulgaria have said some 73.51% of voters in a referendum have backed the introduction of e-voting as a valid method in future polls, with nearly three-quarters of ballots processed.

This translates into 1 700 000 "yes" votes, of 6 363 000 eligible citizens.

Interim figures suggest some 26.49% of voters rejected the idea.
