Sunny Weather Today, Max Temperatures Between 26°C and 31°C
It will be sunny today with maximum temperatures ranging between 26°C and 31°C, in Sofia - about 26°C.
This is the weather forecast reported to FOCUS News Agency from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
The atmospheric pressure will remain higher than the average for the month.
NIMH: Max. Temperatures Between 32° and 37° . Weather is Excellent For Mountain Tourism
The maximum temperatures are expected to stand at between 32° and 37° today, according to the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH), quoted by FOCUS News Agency.
Mostly Sunny Weather Today With Max Temperatures Around 29°
The weather will be mostly sunny today, sometimes with increased clouds in particular areas, mainly in the northern and mountainous regions.
There will be light to moderate wind from West-Northwest.
Maximum temperatures are expected at between 24° and 29°, in Sofia around 24°, the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) told FOCUS News Agency.
Devastating Tornado went Through Chinese City
Today the Chinese television channel CCTV showed shots of a devastating tornado that yesterday raided the city of Nenziang in northern China.
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NIMH: Yellow Warning Code For Strong Wind For the Entire Black Sea Coast
Cloudiness will be decreasing from West today. In Eastern Bulgaria, the weather will remain mostly cloudy and rainy, but rains will stop there, too, by the end of the day.
The wind will be moderate, sometimes strong, from North-Northwest.
Mostly Sunny weather, with Clouds in Afternoon, NIMH
The weather will be mostly sunny today although clouds will develop in the afternoon.
There will be light northeastern wind, in the eastern regions to moderate.
Maximum temperatures will vary between 30° and 35°, in Sofia around 30°.
This is the weather forecast of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) announced, quoted by FOCUS News Agency.
NIMH: Mostly Sunny Today. Clouds are Expected to Develop in the Afternoon
The weather will be mostly sunny today.
Clouds are expected to develop in the afternoon, with short rains and the possibility of thunders in some areas.
In Eastern Bulgaria, there will be moderate, sometimes strong wind from North-Northeast.
NIMH: Sunny Weather with Temperatures Between 27° and 32°
The weather will be mostly sunny today with maximum temperatures of between 27° and 32°.
Despite clouds in some areas, there is low probability of rains, according to the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH), quoted by FOCUS News Agency.
The wind will be light from the North, in Eastern Bulgaria to moderate.
Hot and Sunny Weather
The weather will again be sunny and hot today, with maximum temperatures of between 34° and 39°.
This is the weather forecast of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH), quoted by FOCUS News Agency.
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Another Code Orange For The Whole Country Today
Code orange warning is in place for the whole of Bulgaria on 11th of August over hot weather, according to the National Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH).
The maximum temperatures are expected to be between 34° and 39°.
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