Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection

Taking responsibility

Whether he's aware of it or not, Panos Skourletis now bears full political responsibility for Rouvikonas and for the police's inability to bring the anarchist group to task.

The interior minister who was recently appointed to head the Citizens' Protection Ministry no longer has a shield in the form of Nikos Toskas, whose responsibilities he assumed.

Serbia and Greece look to improve police cooperation

Serbian and Greek interior ministries will in the coming period "try to increase their cooperation in the fight against all forms of crime."

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic and Greek Alternate Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection Nikolaos Toskas said this in Belgrade on Wednesday, the government announced.

Terrorist Pola Roupa was planning a hit against ex-Prime Minister Samaras and Political Leader Mitsotakis!


The Minister of Public Order Nikos Toskas called the leader of the main opposition political party “New Democracy” to inform him of Roupa’s plans. Earlier he had spoken to ex-Prime Minister Antonis Samaras.


According to the evidence found in terrorist Pola Roupa’s hideouts, her team was following the two politicians mapping their moves and routines.


Greek Ministers warn reporters to keep “quiet” on Chios refugee riots! (audio clip in Greek)

Speaking to radio station “Vima FM”, journalist Pantelis Fikaris of the Chios-based newspaper “Politis Chios”, alleged that Alternate Minister for Immigration Policy, Ioannis Mouzalas and Alternate Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection, Nikos Toskas had contacted him before the visit of US President Barack Obama asking to censor images of violence and riots from the Souda r

Tsipras annoyed at the use of tear gas against the pensioners

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras reproved Deputy Citizen Protection Minister Nikos Toskas for using tear gas against pensioners who were protesting the new pension cuts. After pictures of sad old men with swollen, teary eyes were released in the press and the social media, Tsipras put the blame on the deputy minister. The prime minister expressed his disapproval of the use of tear gas agains

Tension among immigrants at Tae Kwon Do

Episodes occurred among the immigrants who were transferred from Idomeni, north Greece’s borders to Tae Kwon Do stadium in Athens.

On Saturday morning police officers had to intervene when the immigrants started fighting each other. Police arrested about 100 people, while the groups responsible for the episodes were isolated from the other immigrants.
