
Four soldiers die in vehicle accident, another killed in Iraq

A ceremony was held in Elazığ for 4 soldiers who were martyred when their armored vehicle overturned while on duty in Ovacık district of Tunceli. After the ceremony, the bodies of the martyrs wrapped in Turkish flags were carried on the shoulders of their fellow soldiers and sent off to their hometowns by airplanes.

Experts warn of surge in COVID-19 cases amid school break

An increase in intercity travels in the ongoing three-week school break can trigger a surge in COVID-19 cases similar to the one Turkey experienced during the Eid al-Adha holiday in 2020 summer, Tevfik Özlü from the Coronavirus Scientific Advisory Board has warned as the hotels in ski resorts and tourism hotspots have started operating at nearly full capacity.

Short-eared owl spotted in Tunceli

A short-eared forest owl, whose population is shrinking, has been photographed in the Ovacık district of the eastern province of Tunceli. The owl, which is active at night and hunts small bird species and mice to eat, was seen close to a settlement area in Pulur neighborhood before it disappeared.

Evrensel journalist Kemal Özer detained in Tunceli

Kemal Özer, a journalist and nature photographer for daily Evrensel, was detained by police as part of an anti-terrorism probe in the eastern Turkish province of Tunceli late on Sept. 4, Doğan News Agency has reported.  

Özer's vehicle was stopped at a police checkpoint at the entrance of Tunceli city center while he was returning from the province's Ovacık district. 
