Payroll tax

Bonus from contribution cut

Greece is edging very close to both the European average and that of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries in non-salary costs with the reduction of social security contributions by one percentage point that will apply from the beginning of 2025, for both private and public employees.

Payroll Costs in Bulgaria: What You Need to Know Before Hiring

Since joining the European Union in 2007, Bulgaria has become a hotbed for foreign investors and multinational companies. Thanks to its cheaper but highly skilled labor and a hungry consumer base, it's not surprising that companies from all over the world are interested in expanding to this country.

Greece is Preparing to Cut Income Taxes

Greek workers, retirees and self-employed professionals will see a significant reduction in their tax bills in 2020, says a bill that reduces the lowest income taxes to 9 percent from 22 percent for income to 10,000 euros, Kathimerini reported.

The bill will also include provisions for construction and tax cuts on business profits.

Workers in Greece see deductions grow

Taxpayers in Greece have been seeing their incomes shrink each year due to the taxes and social security contributions that employers and workers have to pay, and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) data point to the growing deductions of crisis-riven Greeks, in contrast to the trend in other member-states.