Member states of the Union for the Mediterranean

Turkey lobbies Netflix to confine TV series ‘Famagusta’ to Greece

A Greek and Cypriot co-production dealing with Turkey's invasion of Cyprus in 1974 will not be broadcast outside Greece on Netflix following lobbying from Turkey, Turkey's TV watchdog has claimed.

The recent decision by Netflix to broadcast from September 20 the TV series "Famagusta" had caused intense reactions in Turkey.

Türkiye the biggest price increase in holiday packages this year in the Mediterranean – Greece’s position

Türkiye is emerging as this year’s “champion”, showing the biggest price increase among the major Mediterranean tourist markets in terms of vacation packages, with prices 49.5% higher in the “heart” of summer, in July. Across Europe, the increase this year is estimated at an average of 6.6% compared to last year, with Greece slightly higher at 7.5% compared to summer 2023.

Major content sharing deal launched

Greece's two biggest subscription TV providers will start sharing their sports content Friday, following an agreement they made last month.

"The agreement has no precedent in the Greek market, although we have examples of content exchange in the UK, Germany and Cyprus," Panayotis Georgiopoulos, CEO of Nova Greece, told Kathimerini.

All eyes on Lebanon in Athens

Athens is on high alert in the event that Lebanon becomes a theater of military operations.

Athens and Nicosia are coordinating for the necessity to evacuate, first and foremost, citizens of Greece and Cyprus, and, if necessary, citizens of third nations, mostly from the EU.

Turkish Defense Minister calls Cyprus invasion ‘peace operation,’ ahead of anniversary

With the 50th anniversary of Turkey's bloody invasion of Cyprus coming up on July 20, Turkish Defense Minister Yasar Guler on Tuesday said his country is preparing to celebrate what he said was a "peace operation" on the divided Eastern Mediterranean island.
