History by period

Greece votes in first election since international bailout spending controls ended

A man with his dog casts his vote at a polling station in Athens. Greeks were voting Sunday in the first election since their country's economy ceased to be subject to strict supervision and control by international lenders who had provided bailout funds during its nearly decade-long financial crisis. [AP]


The last king of the Hellenes

With the death of the last king of the Hellenes almost 50 years after the institution was scrapped by referendum, there are no excuses for the frivolity with which many participants in public life - on the left and the right - approach the question of the monarchy and its history, seeking political gains without effort.

Staikouras says recession in 2020 may be limited to 5-8 pct with aid measures

Greece could limit this year's recession to 5-8 percent after taking into account the government's implemented and planned relief measures which will amount to 24 billion euros, the country's Finance Minister Christos Staikouras said on Wednesday.

He said if support measures had not been taken, the recession could reach 13 percent this year.
