
Bolstering jobs and salaries

Supporting employment by creating well-paid jobs, reducing employer social security contributions, the universal application of the digital labor card and sweeping inspections for the application of labor legislation make up the blueprint of priorities the new labor minister, Niki Kerameus, is reportedly determined to implement.

Focus on human resources, says Kerameus

Niki Kerameus officially took on her role as the new minister of labor and social affairs on Friday afternoon.

Kerameus noted that the ministry will continue to invest in the country's valuable human resources.

She highlighted that there has been a significant reduction in unemployment over the past five years, with more than 400,000 new jobs created.

Interior Ministry to launch internal inquiry into personal data leak

The Ministry of the Interior is planning to carry out an internal inquiry to ascertain whether there has been a breach of privacy laws that allowed a candidate for the ruling conservative party in the upcoming European parliamentary elections to send hundreds of Greeks abroad campaign material to their private email accounts.
