
A diary of the tumultuous days at Columbia

Sunday, April 28, 11.30 a.m.: I head up 116th St to campus. It is quiet, as though the protests of last week never happened. There are no police cars. A few journalists are setting up on the traffic island on Broadway. Outside the gates a small group of Orthodox Jews, in fur hats and leggings, hold up placards denouncing Zionism. One of them is being interviewed by a TV crew.

Giselle ballet to premiere at AKM

Istanbul State Opera and Ballet (IDOB) will premiere 'Giselle Ballet' at Atatürk Cultural Center (AKM) on Oct 27. The work tells the tragic and romantic story of a young, beautiful and yet shy peasant girl named Giselle.

Staged by Zeynep Sunal Öngün, the ballet will be on stage on Nov. 1, 7, 15, Dec. 2 and 7 at AKM and on Nov. 4, 21 and 22 at Kadıköy Süreyya Opera Stage.

Why English audiences have the toughest time with Shakespeare

All the world's a stage but the irony is the rest of the globe often has an easier time understanding William Shakespeare than English speakers.

Thanks to frequently updated translations that dispense with the archaic Renaissance language, foreign audiences often find the Bard easier to follow.

Akram Khan’s ‘Giselle’ | February 19-22

Akram Khan's critically acclaimed production of "Giselle" for the English National Ballet, is coming to computer screens in Greece from the Christmas Theater on February 19-22. In this modern version of the romantic 19th century ballet, the acclaimed choreographer injects this tale of love, betrayal and redemption with elements of kathak, a traditional South Asian dance form.

BNR launches silver coin: "140 years since the founding of the Macedo-Romanian Cultural Society"

The National Bank of Romania (BNR) on Wednesday launches into the numismatic circuit the silver coin with the theme "140 years since the founding of the Macedo-Romanian Cultural Society," BNR informs in a press release sent to AGERPRES. The coin has the face value of 10 lei, round shape, measures 37 mm in diameter, it has 31,103 grams weight and milled edge.

Giselle | Athens | June 5 & 6

The Greek Festival presents a modern take on the classic romantic ballet "Giselle" by Costas Tsioukas, who transposes this tale of doomed love to the present and sets it in Southern Europe instead of Germany, while remaining faithful to the original structure.
