
Celebrity chefs face trouble with booking scammers

One of the new methods of fraud that has emerged in recent times is to copy the websites of well-known restaurants and to ask the customers to pay a deposit for a fake reservation.

Scammers use artificial intelligence systems to copy the websites of famous restaurants and share all the information about the restaurant on these websites as if they were real.

Ten arrested in northern Greece for computer fraud

Ten people were arrested on Thursday in Thessaloniki for online fraud, police said.

The suspects had created fake websites of legitimate banks through which they copied the personal information and passwords of their victims and used them to transfer large sums of money to their own bank accounts and others abroad. 

Women in Leadership

By Dr Pierre Casse, IEDC Professor and Elnura Irmatova, IEDC Research Assistan Purpose "I believe in collective intelligence." Ilham Kadri CEO of the Solvay Multinational Corporation The main purpose of this paper is not to examine the need to have more women in leadership positions (Public and private sectors) because the answer is obvious. Well… is it so obvious?
