The last straw?

Public opinion is outraged when the political system makes sure that certain targeted amendments that cater to specific interests are approved by the House without any scrutiny while at the same time being unable to handle the explosive issue of the new single property tax (ENFIA). Citizens justifiably feel powerless and that they are being treated like guinea pigs.

While Greece has been through much hardship over the last few years the weight of the crisis fell upon the backbone of society, those who have worked their entire lives and consistently paid their taxes. The way the political system handled the ENFIA issue is leading these people to despair. The inability of high-ranking bureaucrats, the hypocrisy of those who slam the law while voting for it, and the pressure exerted by MPs for certain small groups to be exempted from paying it have resulted in a monstrous law that could endanger the country at a time when the economy is showing signs of growth and stability is needed more than ever. Finding a solution will not be easy, but if one is not found soon it will be difficult to contain the people’s wrath.

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