Opposition: There’s a SYRIZA minister with an off-shore company!

The opposition continued to keep up the heat on the government this week, with 20 center-right ND deputies on Wednesday tabling a question in Parliament on whether a current minister owns an … offshore company and if another minister exported significant amounts of money overseas a month before the January election.

The tabled question comes after recently resigned minister Nadia Valavani’s mother was reported to have withdrawn as much as 200,000 euros days before a referendum was called, thus also avoiding cash controls. Proto Thema broke the story on the “Valavani withdrawal”, after ND deputy Lefteris Avgenakis referred to an unnamed minister initially.

The same deputy spearheads Wednesday’s tabled question in Parliament.

The tabled question, entitled “Corruption and ethics in the ‘first time ever left (government)’,” a play on a pre-election slogan and subsequent triumphalism on the part of the Radical Leftist Coalition (SYRIZA), also lists what it claims are major ethical indiscretions during the first six months of the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition government.

Amongst others, the tabled question cites the case involving minister and labor attorney Giorgos Katrougalos, who is alleged to have contracted for a 12-percent cut of rehired civil servants’ first payments; a major bank transfer by another minister, Dimitris Mardas, ostensibly to fund his Thessaloniki radio producer daughter’s graduate program in Belgium; the cash-for-hire of a holiday home belonging to Yanis Varoufakis’ wife; and even the appointment of Attica super-prefect Rena Dourou’s companion as the head of the greater Athens area’s water and sewerage utility.

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