Turkey's AKP to reshape cabinet to boost efficiency

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Following its surprising election win on Nov. 1, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) is planning to reshape the composition and portfolios of Turkey's council of ministers.

The AKP has already been conducting preliminary work to divide the Energy and Natural Resources Ministry, the Environment and Urban Planning Ministry, and the Culture and Tourism Ministry. In addition, the units of other ministries - such as the Customs and Trade Ministry and the Science, Industry and Technology Ministry - may be relocated.

"Considering practices taken up to now, some changes are being considered for a swifter and productive functioning of the government, in line with needs. A legal arrangement is required for these changes, so the issue may come up as the number one item on the agenda when the new parliament opens," AKP sources told Hürriyet.

No legal arrangement is required to increase the number of deputy prime ministers in the cabinet, the sources said when asked about reported plans to further increase the number of deputy prime ministers.

The 26-seat cabinet is currently composed of the prime minister, four deputy prime ministers, and 21 executive ministries.

Ministry of Mines?

A report outlining the separation of the Energy and Natural Resources Ministry has already been presented to Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu, who has reportedly responded warmly to the idea. The report drafted by the Energy and Natural Resources Minister of the interim government led by the AKP, Ali R?za Alaboyun, stated that Turkey's external energy dependency is currently around 47-48 percent, so the mining sector should be separated and enhanced in order to lower this figure to 20-30 percent by focusing on domestic sources. 


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