New judges union attacked for serving personal goals

Greece's Union of Judges and Prosecutors (EDE) on Tuesday attacked an initiative by top judicial officials to set up a new union as an opportunistic move that risked causing a rift in their community.

Critics say the move was orchestrated by Supreme Court President Vassiliki Thanou, who has controversially lobbied in favor of extending the age limit for Greek judges beyond the current maximum of 67 years. The limit is stipulated by the Greek Constitution.

The proposal of Thanou, who is 66, was last month criticized by EDE as a bid "to overcome constitutional barriers."

"Experience shows that such attempts, which serve no substantial purpose but are instead driven by personal objectives, are bound to failure," EDE said in a statement Tuesday. "The new union will soon fizzle out when the real reason behind its establishment disappears. But it will inflict wounds...

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