Porn photos of Ukrainian Minister cause uproar (photos)

Racy photos of a young female Ukrainian Minister that were circulated online have caused an uproar in the country. Government officials have defended the appointment of Anastasia Deeva as Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs in the cabinet, claiming she was chosen for her skills and experience. Some of the raunchy photos show the 24-year-old woman with her breasts exposed while others appear to be pornographic. In others pictures she is seen in her underwear of completely naked. Deeva’s friends say she is an avid fashion lover. Anton Gerashchenko, adviser to Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, Deeva’s boss, said: “I personally know Anastasia Deyev.
“Her task is to help the Minister of the interior, to do everything possible to support America, Japan and other countries, which help us in carrying out reforms, not reduce, but increase, their knowledge, experience, charisma.”

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