Drugs worth 4.5 million liras seized in Turkey's Bursa

Anti-narcotics teams seized cannabis worth 4.5 million Turkish Liras in the northwestern province of Bursa on Aug. 30.

The Gendarmerie Command in Bursa formed a special team after receiving a tip-off about the growing of cannabis sativa in the province. 

Following one month of technical and physical surveillance, the gendarmerie team simultaneously raided five different addresses.

A total of 11 suspects were detained as part of the operation in Bursa's Haydariye neighborhood of the Gemlik district and the Üreğli neighborhood of the Orhangazi district.

Some 4.45 kilograms of cannabis sativa, 60 kilograms of cannabis and one unlicensed weapon were seized in the operation. 

Another anti-drug operation was conducted in the Black Sea province of Kastamonu on Aug. 29, after gendarmerie forces received a tip-off about the growing of cannabis sativa in Kastamonu's Çatalzeytin district.

Gendarmerie forces seized 111 kilograms of cannabis sativa and 2.43 kilograms of semen cannabis in the house of a suspect.

They also seized two unlicensed shotguns and a blank cartridge gun, detaining the suspects.  
Meanwhile, anti-drug police in the southern province of Antalya also detained two suspects on Aug. 29.

Following surveillance of drug traffickers in Antalya's Muratpaşa district, police detained two suspects, referring them to court after their medical examinations were completed.

One of the suspects reportedly became involved in drug trafficking after the shop where he sold cell phones went out of business.  

Police also seized 700 grams of cannabis and 35 ecstasy pills during the same operation.

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