Barzani's decision to hold referendum 'betrayal to Turkey,' Erdoğan says

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has warned that all military and economic measures are on the table against the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), arguing that Masoud Barzani's decision to go ahead with the vote was "betrayal to Turkey."

"Frankly, we did not give credence until the last moment that Barzani would make a mistake like this," Erdoğan said on Sept. 26 in Ankara, once again noting that the referendum is "null and void" regardless of the result.

"This means that we were wrong. The decision, which was taken without a prior consultation or meeting, is a betrayal to our country in an era where our relations were at their best level in history," Erdoğan said.

The regional government, led by Barzani, has enjoyed close ties to Ankara and has been using a pipeline stretching from northern Iraq to the Turkish Mediterranean port of Ceylan to export oil, a mainstay of the KRG economy.

However, Sept. 25's referendum -- held in KRG-controlled areas across northern Iraq, including those disputed with Baghdad -- has threatened the relationship.

Iraqi Kurds would go hungry if Turkey halts the flow of trucks and oil across the border with northern Iraq, Erdoğan argued.

"[They] will be left in the lurch when we start imposing our sanctions," Erdoğan said.

"It will be over when we close the oil taps, all [their] revenues will vanish, and they will not be able to find food when our trucks stop going to northern Iraq."

The president said the only country to support the KRG's push for independence was Israel.

"Who will recognize your independence? Israel. The world is not about Israel. You should know that the waving of Israeli flags there will not save you," he said. 

"If the...

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