Greek Jazz Panorama | Athens | June 7-9

Running through Saturday, June 9, the Greek Jazz Panorama at the Onassis Cultural Center is dedicated to the new generation, featuring ensembles whose bandleaders are aged under 30 years old. Getting the event under way on Thursday is drummer Panagiotis Kostopoulos's quintet, with Takis Paterelis on saxophone, George Kontrafouris on piano, Nikos Hatzitsakos on double bass and Michalis Tsiftsis on guitar. On Friday, Arionas Gyftakis stars on the double bass in a show where he is joined by Markos Chaidemenos on piano, Gabriele Milozzi on saxophone and Anastasis Gouliaris on drums. On the final day, double-bass player Ntinos Manos performs with David Lynch on saxophone, Stavros Lantsias on piano and Vassilis Podaras on drums. Shows start at 9 p.m. and tickets cost 7 euros.

Onassis Cultural Center, 107 Syngrou,
tel 210.900.5800,

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