In the long term we have to get back to rule-based security

Thomas Greminger, PhD, Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)/Photo: Tamino Petelinšek/STA

The global security environment has become unpredictable; violent extremism, cybercrime and the considerable movement of people fleeing war. To prevent crises from turning into conflicts and to confront transnational challenges, you have said that, "Trust is the glue that holds international relations together". How would you define trust within the larger vision of the OSCE as the guardian of European security?

The vision is that we all get back to rule-based security. In order to get there, we need to rebuild trust. We need to identify areas where the interests converge and then gradually rebuild trust. That is something we can do in the short term. In the medium term, we will need to resolve the crisis around Ukraine. In the long term, we will need to go back to the common understanding of the principles and commitment around rule-based security.


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