Eurostat: Sofia Airport is on the 63nd Position Among the 150 Airports in the EU
Sofia Airport is 63rd in terms of number of passengers in 2017 from about 150 airports of EU countries, according to Eurostat data on today's 7th of December, which is marked as International Aviation Day.
Last year, around 6.5 million passengers passed through Sofia Airport, which is 30% more than in the previous 2016, according to European statistics.
The largest is the number of passengers who have crossed the airport from the European Union - 5.3 million. Of the non-EU countries, around 820,000 passengers have passed through Sofia Airport and about 270,000 were the Bulgarian passengers who used the services of Sofia Airport. In addition, our country is among the top five countries in the EU, which recorded the largest increase in passenger traffic through their airports last year.
Number 1 in terms of "passenger transport growth" is Slovenia plus 20%, the other four countries are Luxembourg, Estonia, Czech Republic and Bulgaria, which has a growth of 19%.
In May nearly 11 million passengers have passed through our country, of which 8.5 million were from EU countries, 2.3 million were from non-EU countries and some 280 000 were Bulgarians.
London Heathrow Airport is the undisputed leader in the EU in terms of total passenger traffic in 2017 - nearly 78 million. Of these, 27 million were from EU countries, 46 million from non-EU countries and some 4.8 million from national passengers. The top 5 airports in the EU with the largest number of passengers are Paris Charles de Gaulle airport - 69 million passengers, Amsterdam airport - 68 million, Frankfurt-am-Main airport - 64 million and Madrid airport - 52 million.
The Eurostat survey covers a total of 150 airports in EU countries, with Ljubljana airport with about 1,6 million...
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