1/4 of Healthcare Facilities Аround the World - Without Clean Water

This shows a UN report, quoted by NOVA TV. 
A quarter of hospitals and health centers around the world do not have a main plumbing line and suffer from a lack of safe and clean water needed for patient care, BTA said, citing a UN report.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) also report that one fifth of healthcare facilities around the world do not have a basic toilet.
"Imagine bringing or taking your sick child to a health center that has no clean water, a toilet or a wash basin." This is a daily reality for millions of people, "said WHO Director General Tedros Adham Ghebreyesus.

Based on data from 125 countries, the two organizations have also found that one-sixth of healthcare facilities around the world do not have adequate hand sanitation facilities.

WHO and Unicef ​​report that 17 million women annually give birth to health care facilities lacking basic hygiene and sanitation.

"When a baby is born in such a place, the risk of infection and death for the baby and his mother is high," says UNICEF Executive Director.

The UN calls on the parties to draw up plans and set standards to improve the situation, as well as to engage local communities in monitoring changes.

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