Media: Turbulencies in Democratic Party (DS) - Lutovac loses support over boycott

"Novosti" writes that DS Leader Zoran Lutovac, who is committed to both things, has started losing the closest associates.
Relations between Lutovac and his deputy Sasa Paunovic, who would run for local elections in Paracin, have been severely cold, and according to the paper, Dusan Kostadinovic, head of the Executive Committee, and Dragoslav Sumarac, acting president of the Belgrade Democrats, have also distanced themselves from the party chief in recent days.
"Novosti" says that, according to its sources, only DS Vice-President Dragana Rakic remained faithful to Lutovac, among DS high-ranking officials.
The atmosphere in the party was additionaly shattered after the decision made by the President of the alliance "Together for Serbia" and Sabac Mayor Nebojsa Zelenovic to participate in the local elections in this city, as well as the anti-immigrant outbursts of Dveri leader Bosko Obradovic, the newspaper said.
The front of those who openly disagree with the policies pursued by the party leadership is widening, and the demands for the party to withdraw from the SzS are growing in number, the article added.
It is noted that more confusion is being added by the fact that three Democrat teams have been visiting the committees in recent days.
The first "team" includes MPs Balsa Bozovic, Aleksandra Jerkov and Miroslav Milojicic Kena, who believe that the DS should urgently take a different course and leave the SzS. In the second, Lutovac is trying to get support for the idea of a boycott, and the third represents Paunovic and Zelenovic, who in turn want to secure votes to run for the local elections.
According to "Novosti", the final outcome of the DS crisis could occur at the session of the Main Board, which according to the...

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