Bomb defused at riot unit headquarters

Greece's Anti-Terror Service launched an investigation after an active bomb was found and defused on Kokkinopoulou Street, in the area of the Zografou University Campus, near the headquarters of the riot police on Monday.

There had been a warning, via recorded messages, to the Efimerida ton Syntakton newspaper and the website, of a bomb explosion at the riot police headquarters.

The explosive device was found inside a plastic container, in a black bag, during a search of the premises about 100 meters from the entrance gate. 

According to reports, the device contained C4 explosives and gelatin dynamite, and consisted of a watch and two switches. 

The reappearance of terrorism has alerted police and the Ministry of Citizen Protection.

Although the bomb did not detonate due to a failure in the wiring, the incident is assessed as the most...

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