European Commission approves payment of 25.3 mln euros to Greece for Storm Daniel

The European Commission on Tuesday approved an advance payment of 25.3 million euros to Greece under the European Solidarity Fund (EUSF), "to ease the financial burden of reconstruction efforts" caused by Storm Daniel, a deadly cyclone that hit the country in September 2023.

"The cyclone has been regarded as the deadliest tropical-like cyclone to take place in the Mediterranean in recorded history, with the cyclone causing extensive flooding (mainly in the regions of Thessaly and Central Greece)," the European Commission said. 

The advance payment follows the application for EUSF support submitted by Greece on 20 November 2023. Greece estimated a total direct damage of 2.3 billion euros. The advance payment of 25% of the anticipated contribution amounts to 25.3 million euros.

The final payment, which will depend on the Commission's assessment of Greece's...

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