Aftias, Fidias and Mbappe all listen

[InTime News]

Giorgos Aftias won 310,876 votes, way ahead of all other Greek candidates in the European Parliament elections. On Cyprus, 24-year-old YouTuber Fidias (Panayiotou) came out of nowhere - Kasselakis style - and, declaring that he knew nothing about Europe, took 20 percent of the vote. In France, top footballer Kylian Mbappe provoked the wrath of the leader of the extreme-right party when he urged voters to turn their backs on "the extremes" in the coming snap elections. Aftias, who ran with New Democracy, was not the only journalist, nor the only television personality among the Greek candidates. Fidias, an independent, was voted not only by people of his own age and younger, but also by many who had voted many times for the Cypriot parties and their dead ends. Mbappe (who was not a candidate in the elections) speaks for those who, like him, grew up in disadvantaged neighborhoods,...

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